About the Book

About the Book

Burning Rubber:

A Memoir of Travelling Wheelchairs in Asia

BURNING RUBBER: A Memoir of Travelling Wheelchairs in Asia by Kathryn Larouche Imler Author

The book “Burning Rubber” narrates a captivating tale of a single mother of three and a registered nurse who accompanied a dying man to his home in Myanmar, which led to various complexities. Upon returning to Vancouver, her health deteriorated, forcing her to retire from her profession. The story delves into medical conditions such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM), which have a profound impact on a person’s life. It highlights themes of loss of purpose in life, grief, abuse, PTSD, addiction, recovery, as well as resilience and courage.

Embark on a transformative journey with “Burning Rubber” – a remarkable book transcending storytelling.

Kathryn invites us to dive into the depths of pressing societal issues and personal experiences that resonate deeply with everyone.

Get ready to explore, learn, and be moved – this is an invitation to a literary adventure that will leave a lasting impact.

A Reflection of Current Realities

In a world grappling with COVID-19, the themes of “Burning Rubber” find a striking resonance. The book touches upon the parallels between Long Covid, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), and Fibromyalgia, conditions with shared symptoms and profound impacts on individuals. With thousands of diagnosed cases of ME/CFS and FM in Canada alone, the narrative highlights the urgency of addressing these conditions that affect far more people than is often acknowledged.

Research and Support

Burning Rubber also illuminates the unfortunate truth about the limited research and funding dedicated to ME/CFS and FM. The absence of comprehensive diagnostic tools, like blood tests capable of capturing intricate nuances, reflects the challenges faced in truly understanding these conditions. The book unearths the struggles individuals endure due to this lack of attention, emphasizing the critical need for expanded research and support.

Impact on Quality of Life

The majority of people living with ME/CFS and FM face significant disruptions in their lives. Many are unable to participate fully in society or hold jobs, leading to staggering wage losses. Kathryn highlights these hidden struggles, drawing attention to the dire need for increased awareness, understanding, and accessible healthcare resources.

Complexities of Opioid Use

In “Burning Rubber,” Kathryn delves into the underexplored aspects of opioid use, a topic relevant to today’s addiction crisis. The book reveals a startling fact: 5% of patients on opioids become addicted, while tolerance and unintended side effects further complicate the situation. The intricacies of opioids, such as their potential to exacerbate pain through allodynia and hyperalgesia, are unveiled, showcasing the need for informed discussions around pain management.

Emotions Evoked in Readers

As readers journey through Burning Rubber, they’ll experience a range of emotions – from empathy for her challenges to a deeper understanding of the complexities of unseen medical conditions. The book aims to shed light on opioids’ realities and inspire readers with tales of resilience and adaptability.

Nursing Books for Sale

If you’re interested in reading books on nursing, its intersection with personal narratives, and societal issues, “Burning Rubber” is a must-read. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to engage with the thought-provoking themes within the book. You are sure to find yourself not only immersed in a powerful narrative but also equipped with a greater awareness of pressing issues affecting individuals and society.

If you are looking for nursing books to read, buy Kathryn Larouche’s book on Amazon today!

Publication Date

April 1, 2023





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BURNING RUBBER: A Memoir of Travelling Wheelchairs in Asia by Kathryn Larouche Imler Author